Going without alcohol for so long was pretty tough, especially when the person you are attempting it with is a raging alcoholic who can't even manage 3 weeks, cough cough Matt Pottle! We went to a lads curry night with all my mates to order and eat curry, play FIFA11 and drink ourselves silly, or in the case or Matt and I, make a pot of tea and have a lovely civilised chat. Our pot was ruined by some twat pouring lager in it, we were not impressed.
After finishing my exams (Physics unit 4 was my last exam) we went to the pub to celebrate, 4 weeks dry meant I was pretty liberal and had a full wallet and drank in excess for several hours, it was brilliant. I was then at a mate's neon themed party the next night, drinking to excess, covering myself and others in neon paint and making brilliant noble gas jokes ensued. It was the next morning, whilst playing football in the bitter cold that it hit me, it was still January, I'm only half way through the year and still have to go to school. Damn.
I have a warning for anyone reading this, recently I have developed an urge for conflict with whoever is unfortunate to make me snap. This started while I was playing football, I always have the slight urge to argue with referees, being a referee myself it gives me firepower in the form of knowledge. I can catch them out on technicalities, make them look foolish and ultimately achieve nothing but smugness and satisfaction. This has got to the extent that I want them to make bad decisions, giving me reason to argue with them in the hope they will say "and are you a referee" so I can go "yes I am" and metaphorically give them the two finger salute. So yeah, don't annoy me because I already have my argument prepared against you, whoever you are.
Whilst having a conversation about "The Man" (see previous post) a friend reminded me of something that happened to me today. While walking to school I was overtaken by a small child who was running, in an attempt to get him to come back his dad shouted "come back, he is much bigger than you, and might squash you" referring to me. This man does not know me, just assumes I am a clumsy-child-crushing-buffoon. I have never crushed a child.
Hope you have enjoyed my return.
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