This week featured a landmark in my growing up, I lost my clubbing virginity. It started at a mates house for the pre-lash (and the lash-lash for the under 18s amongst my friends). This consisted of a great deal of beer and playing on the wii. We played Just Dance 2, a game I had brought along which involves dancing in sync with the on-screen avatar. I am absolutely terrible at it but really enjoy it, and so did everyone else so I'm glad I did so. What I lack in dancing skills I more than make up for in virtual driving skills, MarioKart time. First I combined with everyone's favourite Diversity Kid lookalike, James Prince, to form team Joe James (we kept it simple) and blitzed the competition. Then came the Grand Prix, four novices were chosen as captains and they picked their teams. In a team of 3 and as Seed 1 I raced in the First and the Final (4th) races. I destroyed the field in the first race, finishing miles ahead of all my competitors. In the final race I was less lucky, caught in a fierce rivalry with Dan Watts I found myself at the back of the pack. My skillful driving and unparalleled knowledge of the game ensured I was back in front with one lap to go. A stroke of luck on Dan's behalf led to me being hit by a shell on the final stretch allowing him to take first place. With the superior team, the points favoured my team and we came top of the pile. The everything changed, I was made a captain and given last pick. Obviously I made Dave Williams mine, we have an unexplainably good chemistry and link perfectly in competition. Spurring each other on and advising on each race we both turned dire positions into prosperous ones, once again controlling the Grand Prix.
Back on track, clubbing. We went out in Kingston, our night coinciding with Frankie and the Heartstrings performing, luckily I quite like them so in a not very crowded club venue made my way to the front and being as drunk as I was I made myself seem like their biggest fan alongside Stephen Richer. High fived the lead singer twice and the drummer once, and managed to get hold of the set list, a successful night and only two hours into it. Then came the clubbing bit, expensive drinks and loud music, ideally I would have liked it more crowded so the atmosphere was right but had a laugh anyway, Indie and Alternative night ensured the music was brilliant. On the way home I bought a kebab and walked 4 miles before getting to Matt's house at 4 for a cup of tea before sharing his double bed (James got the spare bed and I hate the floor). He got cramp and kicked me at one point.
The next day was tough, I went to see my sister's dancing show with my equally tired girlfriend. It was a two hour show in which my sister featured for about 4 minutes but it was very good and we both enjoyed it. I am a bit OCD about syncronisation and timing so dancing shows exhibit this, easing my crazy mind. We then went back to mine to watch a film, and when I say watch a film I actually mean watch a film, we watched Goodnight Mr Tom, a film I love. Under normal circumstances it gets me a bit teary but in my fragile and unstable state it had me crying twice, oh dear.
The day did not end on a high, I got an email telling me Bristol University had rejected my application to study there, I was not happy, although I didn't particularly want to go there, the feeling of rejection is still pretty horrible, especially since they made an offer to someone I know for the course I wanted who is about as dim as a broken streetlight. Oh well, as my nan always says "their loss dear".
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