With my decision to passively enjoy the Royal Wedding my mind (and others') began to wander and wonder. What would happen if the Queen died? or Prince William or Kate got cold feet and didn't show up or one of them fell ill or it was revealed that one of them was having an affair? There would be uproar, chaos and devastation across the world.
I suppose an affair could be covered up by a super-injunction, which I find just ridiculous, how can famous people have the right to cover these affairs up but not the average Joe? I reckon that if you have an affair then you have to deal with the consequences, be it an extremely angry partner and/or a tabloid thunderstorm. If footballers can no longer control where they stick their willy then they should have to endure all the publicity and shame that it entails. If Prince William or Kate had an affair it would need more than just a super-injunction, it would need a hyper-mega-uber-super-injunction.
Sorry it's a short one, revision beckons.
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