Monday, 18 April 2011


Back in the good old days I used to look forward to school holidays, I would watch television all day, watch videos (remember them), play in the park/garden and play games with my brother. I then got older and would go out with my friends during the day. I then got older again and started going out in the evening and sleeping throughout the day. HOWEVER, these holidays I don't go out during the day, I occasionally venture out in the evening but my holidays are for one purpose only: revision. I get up at 9, start working at 10, lunch 1-1.30 and finish at 4. Depression usually sets in at around 11 and suicidal thoughts tend to creep in at around 2.30. I prefer the old school holidays, when can I have them again?

I had a revelation recently (I have them quite often but very rarely act upon them) about breakfast. It has become clear to me that porridge is the key to a long, happy and successful life. For this reason I went out and bought a kilogram bag of porridge oats (which should last about 3 weeks) from Waitrose for about £1. Porridge and strawberry jam every morning gets me to lunchtime without getting hungry and is easy to make and cheap and variable. If porridge was a woman, it would be the greatest woman alive (assuming she wasn't pale and gloopy like porridge is).

You may have noticed that another change may be taking place next month. We are having a referendum (oooooooohhhhh I hear you say) on the current voting system. This was David Cameron's way to get the Lib Dems to surrender everything they stand for and form a coalition. Clegg has got it alright though, if I had the chance to change the voting system to one in which I do better off then I would do it. This new system is Alternative Voting (AV), possibly replacing First Past The Post (FPTP). The no to AV party have worked out that it is possible for the party finishing 3rd in total votes can come 1st overall thanks to some complicated votes ranking and redistributing, I'm not here to explain, look it up if you care about it that much, but as an Arsenal fan I'd be happy for AV to be incorporated into the Premier League. However I don't reckon it's right for politics, I won't try to persuade you, my audience is intelligent to make it's own mind up (I assume you spotted that "it's" should have had no apostrophe - that was to prove your intelligence) but make sure you have done your research and don't blindly vote to change for the sake of it or keep it the same because it's tradition. I have done my research and my opinion is No to AV. I even get to vote this year which is very exciting, put my cross in the boxes for AV referendum and council people followed by fish and chips.

You have trusted me with recommendations in the past so go on for a lot of interesting opinions and insights into current affairs and things general (a lot like I do but slightly more eloquently).

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