One of my favourite regulars is a man who gets on the bus towards the end of my journey to school, presumably going to work since he is so regular. He is ALWAYS wearing shorts, from the hottest day in Summer to the snowy days in Winter, he will be wearing shorts. These aren't just shorts, these shorts are the liveliest, most colourful and exciting shorts in the history of mankind, they make my flambouyant shirts look quite modest. It is part of my daily routine to check his shorts and they brighten me up. What I have failed to mention is that he is the least interesting looking man you will ever see. Bald, short and stout, his shorts are so out of character that they define him! One day he was wearing trousers, I was distraught. I'm not going to lie, I considered suicide that morning.
Another of my favourite bus people I see less often is in fact a bus driver. He has the most amazing hair: big, blond and curly. When driving the bus he squashes it all down beneath a little blue cap. When I get on the bus in the morning and say "Morning" in my usual upbeat way, he tips his cap and says "morning" right back. He was already quite high up in my legend charts but today skyrocketed him to the top. When at my stop he took out the change tray from its slot and filled it up with Peanut M&Ms and then put it back. He has a food stash in his driver cabin!
I have saved my two favourite people for last. They are the husband and wife that own my local dry cleaners. Every time I walk past they will wave and say hello, if they are working on something they will drop everything to wave at me. When I am in less of a rush I stand and chat to them and the man goes "Hello there Mr Robinson, how is school?" They asked about my grades on results day and are interested in what I hope to do. One of the best things he has ever said is "I am going to be very sad when you go to University and you do not walk past everyday."
I love people.
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