I will start with one of the top news in the world of irritatingness, you guessed it, Vuvuzelas. Whatever moron
thought it would be a good idea to bring them to football matches is in great need of a Vuvuzela up his backside, you may have noticed that they are excellently designed for this punishment - long, straight and broadening. They make a horrible noise and it is a constant monotonous drone before the match, during the match and after the match, there is no change in atmosphere when a goal is scored, a decision is made or any kind of scoring chance, it just stays as that horrible noise. FIFA have said they will ban them if one of them gets thrown onto the pitch. I have decided I am willing to travel to South Africa, buy a Vuvuzela, throw it at the referee, possibly getting banned from any football match or even killed just to shut them up, I will be a martyr. A number of people have commented upon them. Chris Evans got in a bit of trouble for retweeting a so called "distasteful" joke. I found it
quite funny - "Honestly, you give Africans £2 a month and they go and buy a bloody trumpet." Boris Johnson also made his opinion clear, claiming they were tremendous fun and easy to use but "not for the Olympics I think."

This week I noticed the change in emotions as we get further away from the England vs USA match. I walked home with a friend and the whole country was depressed. I had a flag with me and before the game I had been passionately waving it, after it drooped down by my side. As the week went on people had ranted about Robert Green and then pretty much forgotten. I know that I have been getting happier all week which I am sure will be topped by spending tomorrow evening with my lovely girlfriend who I have not seen for AGES.
There was one exception to my happiness-time increase. This was Wednesday night. On Wednesday night I was trying to come up with a prefect timetable for next Tuesday. This is not easy on the best of days. This one was particularly difficult because I will not be there and neither will seven of my usual prefects, we are off to help on the Year 7 Challenge Day in London. This is also taking place on Monday so a few of Monday's prefects are away then. I am covering for another Senior prefect on Monday and he is covering for me on Tuesday. So far not too difficult. Problems started arising when I realised I was missing seven of my prefects and in their place I had been given two. This stress-fest caused a minor meltdown, oh the trials of responsibility.
Today at lunch I was once again called into duty (not on my duty day!) after a Year 10 was mugged right outside school. All Senior Prefects were mobilised (in my head by walkie-talkie "This is mother-goose, all SPs mobilise, repeat, all SPs mobilise, over" but in reality just by a teacher saying "I need to speak to all SPs") We were sent to stand on street corners, ushering students back into school whilst on the lookout for "a white man in his twenties, wearing a hoodie and sunglasses," one of the most vague descriptions ever. I loved the power though, I am like a grown up.
Yesterday I went to get my uniform fitted for work. I had given my measurement and was sent to the Gents with a shirt and trousers. Once I had changed and had a look in the mirror I was struck by the conundrum about whether to parade in front of the fitter and recruitment team. After much thinking I decided that I was not out shopping with my mum and that I am old enough to make a decision on my own. You should see the hat, I look great.
This took me ages, are you happy now?
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