Freshers flu, how did I let myself get struck down by such an inevitability, the late nights and excessive alcohol were unavoidable but I ate fruit, drank plenty of orange juice and water and ate reasonably healthily in an attempt to avoid it. Alas, it did not work and here I am, sat at my computer, nose running and unable to sleep due to a stuffy head. I loved freshers week (or WeekOne as it's known at Nottingham because we like to be original) but this illness has kicked me while I'm vulnerable. Also, I have been forced to pen my box of tissues and it reminded me of an old quibble of mine, why does the first tissue of the new box insist on bringing out it's friend with it? I only want one tissue, why give me two? Do tissue makers assume that opening a whole new box of tissues must mean a dire situation that can only be rectified by two tissues?
A change I've noticed in myself is in my voice, partly caused by the sore throat, my accent is altering ever so slightly, I find that every now and then I say a particular word in a completely new regional accent. I'm surrounded by people from upp North, Wayells, Somerrrrrset and Irland. So sorry Surrey accent, you become become tainted.
There is very noticeable rivalry at university, East wing vs West Wing in hall (still not sure what wing I'm on), Catered halls vs self-catered halls and the main rivalrly: everyone vs Rutland Hall. Naturally all abuse is carried out through the medium of song, if you're interested in these chants ask me at some point and I will belt them out at full volume for you. The Rutland hatred goes one step further, with a little phenomena known as The Rutland Raid. This involves going into Rutland undercover as a Rutslut and stealing whatever furniture and appliances you can get your hands on: toasters, kettles, chairs and sofas are fair game, personal possessions are not, this is rivalry, not robbery.
I am no longer allowed to do a naked run to the toilet/shower, as thrilling as it would be in such a public place it is apparently not appropriate. So instead I resort to doing it with a towel round my waste. Many times I have been caught and it has become known in the corridor as "Joe's scantily clad shower dash", clearly I need to get better at the dash before a naked attempt.
I am loving life and there is only one way life could be any better. Alex why don't you live in Nottingham, I miss you so much! (sentimental bit complete).
Stay tuned, I have more spare time and procrastination opportunities so blogging may happen more often.
where did you end up at university?