Student loans are a glorious invention, they accumulate virtually no interest, you are not required to pay them back until you earn more than £21000pa, the debt is wiped if you do not earn more than £21000pa for 30 years or live abroad for 30 years. If you are from a poor family then there is no interest on them whatsoever.
This rise is annoying and everyone who will be applying for 2012 entry or later has the right to be annoyed but this was inevitable and the Con/Lib coalition is being used as a scapegoat. Universities do not have enough money and without the increase in fees England will not be able to maintain its status as one of the world's leading providers of further education. The Russell Group (the top universities in the UK) have praised this increase and said it is absolutely necessary and fair. Some say this isolates students from poorer families but it really doesn't, government subsidies, lower loan repayments and cheaper living costs compensate for the expense. The alternative of course is to cut the number of courses or the number of places available on courses. The former may prevent people from being able to study an obscure course they need for a specific occupation, limiting the number of people in a particular profession. The latter will mean only the top students in the country can go to university, isolating those in the middle ground.
Those who are specifically blaming the Tories or Lib Dems need to open their eyes and join the real world, the EXACT same thing would have happened under Labour and the Lib Dems' promise not to raise fees and even to abolish them was a naive policy that would have bankrupted the country and had a secondary function of getting them plenty of votes.
As a student who wishes to pursue a career in science it is absolutely necessary for me to go to university and get a science degree but this is not the case for everyone. People incorrectly view university as a necessity, you could not be further from the truth, the majority of professions do not require a degree, you can go straight into office or retail work, become an apprentice for a builder/electrician/plumber etc (plumbers earn stupidly high wages), start a business or work for almost any company in the world. These fees will only deter the people who want to go to university solely for the social side of things and frankly, they shouldn't be going anyway, it is a place of learning with socialising on the side, don't drag people down because you don't care about studies, university is not just an expensive 3-year piss up.
Finally, the majority of people enjoy 14 years of virtually free education, is 3 years paid education really that bad?
Keep Calm and Carry On.
(n.b. pa = per annum)
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