To be fair, as the show was starting they mentioned that Bon Jovi would be performing, maybe this won't be so bad after all, so were Jamiroquai and Rihanna but I was too excited about Bon Jovi to care. Show starts, Bon Jovi perform, the whole room sings along, it was beautiful, Bon Jovi are amazing. Then the contestants came out and sang along. Piss off! I don't want the musical legends that are Bon Jovi drowned out by the screeches from these wanabees. Frankly it ruined it for me.
It was about half way through the program that a thought occurred to me: X-factor represents almost everything that is wrong with this country. The only way it could be everything was if it somehow got us to purchase things we can't afford with the promise of not having to pay for 18 months.
Firstly, it reinforces the view in our minds that being famous is more important than anything else. Being raised on celebrities is to blame for the casual-sex and binge-alcohol culture of teenagers, anorexia and bolemia, views on personal appearance and poor values in relationships.
Secondly, it gives the impression that you only get one shot to make your life count. Life is all about progress and adapting, working hard to get further and further in career, love, family and knowledge. You are not a failure if you get voted off a talent show. You are just a loser.
Furthermore, it represents laziness, the music industry is hard work, dog eat dog and requires years of hard work and patience before a big break, the x-factor is just a fast track into the music industry, no performing in small venues, noone letting you down, no bad reviews, no songwriting, the company just do everything for you.
It has taken away our sense of perspective. Simon Cowell has somehow managed to make half the nation think that what happens on his show is the most important thing in the world. "What bomb scares, which dead soldiers abroad, what political scandal? I'm too depressed to care, Belle Amie went out!" It is pathetic that more people voted in the x-factor semi-final in 2007 than in the last general election. People die fighting for the right to vote, and we don't even bother doing so? It seems far more sensible to spend 25p on a vote that won't affect your life at all than to vote for free to decide the future of the country. The television talent show is dying and I will dance on its grave.
On a further note I don't often find myself cheering on poisonous animals but apparently Jedward are in "I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here!" this year so go Red Back Spider, go Tiger Snake, go go go!!!
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