We all get the pleasure of applying through the middleman that is UCAS, I can't be bothered to look up what it stands for, if you want to know I recommend Googling it. For a middleman UCAS are great and receive an awful lot of abuse. Some is deserved, some is not. For example, for our personal statements you are allowed 4000 characters and 47 lines. Seems fair, 47 is a slightly strange number but alright. How is it that a statement can be way under the character limit but go over the line limit. There is nothing more frustrating than finally finishing the personal statement, proof reading, and finalising before uploading it to see that stupid bit of red writing that says "2 lines over the 47 line limit." AHHHHHHHHHH, *throw computer through window* bloody UCAS! I sorted that though.
The worst part is the agonising waiting process, first the 3 weeks for my form tutor to write my reference, the quick 2 days for the Head of Sixth Form to process and then the hard part, waiting for offers. I went through the first week telling myself it was too early for a decision but the second week was less pleasant. With every email my pulse raced, could it be an offer? Nope, another email about volunteering/amazon recommends/teamsheet, oh well. What was even more horrible was when I did get an email from UCAS, nervously I opened it to find "Would you like to take part in a survey to rate UCAS?" How disappointing, I can't face a survey right now, I'll just stare at this wall contemplating my university-free failure of a life. We all talked about timings and teachers recalled cases of excellent students having no offers until suddenly getting five in January. After nearly two weeks I had set myself for this horrible future, despite the fact that offers in the first two weeks is very unlikely.
After a hilarious shift at work, much racing and Bond-style fighting with my colleague (friend) I got home to find two emails from UCAS. Both said "Your UCAS status has changed." Cue quick pulse, sharp breaths and excited quivers. Being on my ipod touch I quickly went onto my UCAS app, oh yes, and logged in (knowing my 10-digit code off by heart of course) to find an offer of ABB from Cardiff. Not only this but an offer of ABB from my favourite, and top choice Nottingham. What a day. Conditional is such a beautiful word. If I ever see the word Unconditional on my application I will drop out of school and work full time, think of the money! So I am happy, sorry for the lack of moaning and paintball action. See you next time.