Sunday, 13 November 2011

Literally the only post I've done for a year

I quite like words, I especially like to use words to emphasise other words. Exaggeration is something I quite enjoy too, for example "it was about a million degrees today." Quite clearly, even in writing and to anyone with a reasonable grasp on the English language and normality knows that it was obviously not a million degrees today, I was exaggerating and it was probably 40 degrees at most. I was obviously talking metaphorically.

Unfortunately, in an attempt to make their exaggerations even more powerful people have started using "literally" when talking metaphorically. I hate these people. "It was literally a million degrees today." Oh was it? What did you use to protect yourself from this intense heat? I'll get NASA and ESA on the phone right now with your secrets of withstanding such temperatures. Mind you, I can't reply like this because then I look like the dickhead. "It was so funny I literally died," "I haven't eaten in literally a year," and "I had to walk literally a thousand miles today" are all examples of this misuse. They all got my hopes up, a cure for death, a solution to starvation and an incredibly efficient walking method? NO! You did not literally die, literally go a year without eating or literally walk a thousand miles. Stop abusing "literally," a well respected word to be used when talking fucking literally.

I'm so glad I got that off my chest, I literally feel a bit better.