I'll start with a work story, it was a beautiful sunny Sunday lunch time and I had been baking bread, rolls, baguettes and pastries since 9 pretty much non-stop. I had just taken a batch of croissants out of the oven and put them on the rack to cool. It was at that point that a reasonably attractive woman came over with her boyfriend and asked if we had any croissants. My response was "I've just taken some out of the oven actually, how..." before I could finish she squealed with delight and full on snogged her boyfriend who seemed quite surprised by it (not that he was complaining). I was quite taken aback, at where was my thanks, I had bloody made them? Not saying I want that but why does he get all the credit? Me and my fellow bakers came up with a theory: croissant fetish, what else.
You are probably all aware that the world is falling apart, with half of the middle east rebelling against the dictators they have suffered under for years and most of pacific countries being struck by floods, earthquakes and tsunamis. However this timed we faced more, a nuclear crisis. The timing was impeccable, having just completed my section on nuclear power in physics, the crisis in Japan made perfect sense to me. Unfortunately as a scientist, my curiosity struck, part of me wanted a total meltdown or nuclear explosion, having not had a nuclear disaster in my lifetime I wanted to see what would happen. Obviously I don't want people to die or for the world to end, I just wanted an experiment. I am slightly concerned for the impact this will have on Britain's nuclear future, public opinion is at a low point and noone is going to want a nuclear power station near them. These people are morons. Nuclear is clearly the way forward, with no CO2 emissions it is by far the cleanest fuel and resources are not as limited as coal, oil or gas. As for safety, forget about it, the safety procedures and protocols are incredibly extensive, short of a natural disaster they can handle anything. Since Britain and Northern Europe are not near a tectonic plate boundary we don't have to worry about earthquakes, volcanoes or tsunamis. One last nuclear note, my utmost praise and respect goes to the engineers who have sacrificed themselves to stabilise the Fukushima Nuclear reactor, they exposed themselves to massive amounts of radiation to save their country and the future of nuclear power.
I had a bit of trouble sending my work home from school, with a virus still in the works at school I'm not putting my USB stick anywhere one of those USB ports at school without super firewall protection which I do not have (Techno STD style). Resorting to sending it home, I have to go through the long process of signing in, new message, attachments, selecting them, attaching them, typing in my own email address and sending. Thinking it had gone smoothly I turned off the computer and got on with something else. When I get home I find an email telling me it was blocked from sending due to "Sexual Content" because one of the documents contained the word "ejaculation". Firstly, I may have been using this word completely honestly, ejaculation can refer to any kind of sudden movement or outburst. Secondly I was writing a presentation on the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems. I'm sure you are all aware that the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) controls all of the bodily functions that require an extra bit of kick (increase in heart rate, increase in breathing rate, temporary digestive halting to conserve energy and any of the Fight or Flight mechanisms). One of the functions the SNS performs is to cause ejaculation, a perfectly reasonable thing to mention in an A2 level presentation. Stupid webmail, might not be able to finish on time now.
I recently refereed the SGS El Clasico, the monumental fixture of Brown House vs Red House (Browncelona vs Real Red House). The report in the school sports tabloid (What's The Story: Sporting Glory - WTSSG) featured my name more than any of the players, clearly I made an impact. Described as "power-hungry" after awarding a controversial penalty, "rulebook-loving" for making the players stand on the half way line for the penalty shoot-out and "the dictator himself" for showing a red card to a player for gross sporting misconduct. I thought I had an excellent performance, anyone who was present is free to comment if they felt any differently.
Now the fate thing, anyone who is bored by displays of emotion, close the window now, it is the soppy bit. There has always been an expectation to see my wonderful girlfriend once a week (excluding Tuesdays, as lovely as they are) be it half a day on Saturday or Sunday or the evening on Friday. Unfortunately in the recent few weeks this has not happened. I have joined golf club at school meaning I am unavailable on Fridays. This isn't usually a problem but when for some reason Saturday becomes unavailable we are presented with a bit of a problem. This week she was busy on Saturday so I made alternative plans for a lads night at a mate's house on Saturday night. I then tried to pencil in a leaving do for a friend at work for Sunday night, exactly when she wanted to see me. My dictator of a mother however forbade me from going out twice in a weekend so I was saved the decision between work friends and girlfriend (undoubtedly would have chosen girlfriend because I am a right sop). So here is the 2nd week in 3 that I will not be seeing my girl and I really miss her, the day night I did see her I was too drunk to register anything anyway. Nothing seems to be working for us so we need to plough on until some kinder times arrive. Moan over.